Swarnabhoomi Academy of Music
Live Your Dreams
in Music Performance

About Swarnabhoomi Academy of Music (SAM)
Located in the culturally rich city of Chennai, India, Swarnabhoomi Academy of Music (SAM) is the best contemporary residential music school in India, South-East Asia . We provide a dynamic, diverse, and comprehensive learning environment to students who enroll with us to study music performance, audio engineering & music technology . With our course structure, curriculum and expert faculty, we ensure our students learn and acquire all the necessary skills required to succeed in the music industry as a performing musician, a session musician or as an audio engineer.
Swarnabhoomi Academy of Music provides a comprehensive & effective academic program that teaches varied genres of music from across the globe. The Academy seeks to provide music education that builds character and personality, preparing students to enter the music industry as performers, arrangers, songwriters, composers, producers, engineers, teachers and more. The opportunities for students who live and learn at the academy are endless.
We are here to nurture, cultivate talent and build a pool of professionals that represent the country on an international level and also become global ambassadors of music. SAM fosters a mature community for musicians and music lovers, providing them with an evolved perspective that transforms their relationship with music & life.

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Diploma in Music Performance – DMP
Do you dream of a life on stage? Doing Sessions?
Touring as a live musician? Your music career
starts right here.
Diploma in Audio Engineering & Music Technology – DAEMT
Tailored for the modern producers & engineers,
this course teaches you everything about Acoustics,
Studio Design, Recording Technique, Mixing, MIDI,
Synthesis & more
Combined Emphasis Program
This unique program provides a healthy balance
between Music Performance and Music Production.
With the choice of majoring in either department,
this course sets you up with all the tools for an
independent musician.
Foundation in Music Performance – FMP
SAM’s Online Foundation Program aims at providing a foundation in music
theory, music notation, ear training and application of aforementioned
modules on the student’s primary instrument.
You Apply
Tell us a little about yourself by filling our application form. Our form takes only 10mins to complete
We Connect
After you submit your application, an admissions representative will contact you and will help you to complete the process and schedule you for a video audition/interview
You Get Ready
Once you’ve completed the audition/interview, an Acceptance letter and fee letter shall be sent to the registered email

Swarnabhoomi Academy of Music has introduced scholarship grant to recognize outstanding students who have immense passion for Music. Students who have submitted their application for the Diploma programme and have received their Acceptance Letter are eligible to apply for scholarship.
Foundation Program
S.No |
Fee Component |
Amount (₹) |
1 |
Tuition Fee |
75,000 |
2 |
Food |
15,000 |
3 |
Admin and Misc Fee |
5,000 |
4 |
Accommodation Preference |
Single Occupancy |
15,000 |
Shared Occupancy |
10,000 |
Total Fee Payable per Trimester* |
1,05,000 |
*Shared occupancy has been taken as accomodation preference. The final fee depends upon the accomodation preference chosen by the candidate |
Diploma Programs
S.No |
Fee Component |
Amount (₹) |
1 |
Tuition Fee |
3,00,000 |
2,00,000 |
2 |
Food |
65,000 |
3 |
Admin and Misc Fee |
25,000 |
4 |
Accommodation Preference |
Master room (AC with Private Bathroom) |
60,000 |
Medium Room (AC) |
55,000 |
Small Room (AC) |
50,000 |
Total Fee Payable per Trimester* |
4,40,000 |
3,40,000 |
3,40,000 |
* Small room has been taken as accommodation preference. The final fee depends upon the accommodation preference chosen by the candidate. |
Our students create a vibrant and inclusive community


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